PCR-HI-075 West Oahu Composite Squadron
Main Content

AE Training

Making a Dragonfly Helicopter

Hawaii Wing Challenge: Create your own dragonfly helicopter and variations on the base model, then upload video(s) of your creations to this flipgrid: https://flipgrid.com/0042b93e

See the sidebar for the required template.

CAUTION: This video depicts using a razor blade with unprotected hands for demonstration purposes only. Viewers are advised to use heavy gloves, a heavy cloth, a vise, or some other contraption to hold the propeller strut while using the razor blade. VIEWERS PROCEED AT THEIR OWN RISK!

Materials List:

• Template • Ruler • Paper clip • Scissors • Cotton swabs with PLASTIC sticks (x2) • Push pin • Hot glue gun • Transparent Tape • Razor blade • Heavy gloves, cloth, or vise for small items • 2L plastic soda bottle • Straws (x2) • Foam meat tray or plate • Rubber band or "hobby/sport" rubber • Paper plate

(For the best viewing experience, set the video window to 1080p quality using the gear icon in the bottom right corner.)

Aerodynamics of an Airfoil

C/2d Lt Joshua Ling of Hawaii Wing Civil Air Patrol's West Oahu Composite Squadron discusses the Aerodynamics of an Airfoil and provides an Airfoil DIY demonstration. Presented on August 8, 2020 during a virtual squadron meeting.

Link to video C/2d Lt Ling mentions: https://youtu.be/YDeQXPNpLeY

See the right side bar of this page to submit your AE DIY photos/videos!

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